شروط الاسترداد للمصروفات الدراسية المسددة والأسهم ورسوم اشتراك السيارة (خدمات) - يتم الاسترداد في ضوء أحكام القانون والقرارات واللوائح والتعليمات المنظمة لذلك
شروط الاسترداد للمصروفات الدراسية المسددة والأسهم ورسوم اشتراك السيارة (خدمات) - يتم الاسترداد في ضوء أحكام القانون والقرارات واللوائح والتعليمات المنظمة لذلك

MLS hosts meetings with Inspectors from the French Ministry of Education

Misr Language Schools had the pleasure to host Mrs. Anne Simon and Mr. Jean-Pierre Avril, inspectors of the French Ministry of Education,
Like all accredited French educational establishments abroad, the French Section of MLS is committed to respecting the principles and criteria of accreditation through the implementation of its principles, respect for programs, and the organization of the French educational system.
During a two-day visit, Mrs. Simon and Mr. Avril had the opportunity to visit the entire school in order to verify and guarantee the respect and quality of the education provided.
They were able to meet teachers, students, parents and also took the time to discuss the recent developments at MLS with Mrs. Shahinaz Shehata, Director of MLS, and Mr. Karim Abdelrahman, Chairman of the MLS Board of Directors.